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Secondhand equipment can offer great value for money and we have secondhand items coming into stock regularly.
Some are tradeins or items we have purchased. Inspected, tested, and in some cases fully serviced and upgraded, they are then added to the website with a 3 month warranty. Keep an eye on this section as we are continually adding new stock.
We also take some items on consignment. Although they do not have a warranty they are tested to confirm that they are in working order and can be returned within 7 days for a full refund if they do not perform as described.
If you have something you would like to trade in, or think we should consider purchasing, please send us an email to enquiry@decibelhifi.com.au
All prices are Australian dollars A$.
Our secondhand items are also listed on Hi Fi Shark, a worldwide database of used hi fi equipment.

RA-935BX integrated stereo amplifier
Perfect for first timers, or for a smaller system
$275.00 shRA935BX